September 9-19, 2021
New Mexico State Fair
Valencia products on sale at New Mexico Country Store, Ag building, Expo New Mexico.
For more information about the New Mexico State Fair visit
News coverage
October 2020
Jose & Kathy Cordova were interviewed (pre-recorded) on radio station Sunny 101.3. We talked about our business experiences in our 3rd generation family business
located in a rural community close to Belen, NM. We described our products in some detail and spoke of our retail & foodservice distribution. The show,
called “Rays of Sunshine” will air next Friday, Oct. 30 at 4PM. The DJ is Dawn.
Announcing our New Product:
We have 2# Valencia Blue Corn Muffin and Pancake Mix available online by visiting the "Buy Online" link at the bottom of the screen or typing this web address in your browser